The Rise of Cybersecurity Threats in Aviation
As the world drives further into a technology-embraced
future, it is safe to assume that the rise of cyber threats would also increase
as well. This is evident in the figure below reported from aviation today (2021).
According to aviation today, most of these cyber-attacks
were financially motivated, with the loss of personal data accounting for 34%
of the cases (2021). This presents a severe issue to security in the aviation
community today. The compounding effect of this issue is that almost every actor
in the aviation community depends on technology, from the passenger to the
supply chain, to the airport itself. If awareness of the threat and a plan are
not in place, the results can be devastating.
In conjunction with other agencies, the transportation
security agency (TSA) is working diligently to thwart these threats. In 2018
the TSA launched a cybersecurity roadmap assessing how to deal with cyber
security threats (TSA, 2018). Using the layers of security model the TSA
already has integrated, the TSA applies the same method to cyber security by
increasing awareness, assessing and prioritizing cyber risks, and providing
protective capabilities (TSA, 2018). While one single layer of this model may
not be enough to respond to emerging cyber threats, the TSA believes a
multitude of these layers can achieve the end state goal of safety in the cyber
security realm.
Bellamy, W., III. (2021, July 12). New Eurocontrol Data
Shows Airlines Increasingly Becoming Targets for Cyber Attacks. Aviation Today.
Inside Look: TSA Layers of Security | Transportation
Security Administration. (2017, August 1). Tsa.Gov.
Transportation security administration. (2018). TSA
cybersecurity roadmap 2018. Tsa.Gov.
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